General Tour Information

If you would like to know about further tours or receive my upcoming blog articles, then please use the contact form below.

Booking Info

If the We Got Tickets website states “No tickets available”, that means that slot has sold out.

Joining the mailing list above will let you be informed of new tour dates before they are released.

Walks are limited to 20 people to keep it more personal, and are available by advance ticket purchase only. You cannot pay on the day.

Tickets can be bought from We Got Tickets Agency. Click on the link below for a direct link to all the events on sale.

These walking tours go ahead regardless of the weather, rain or shine, heatwave or arctic conditions.

Dogs and children are welcome on the tours, but please be aware of the length of the tours, and the subject matter.

If you sign up to Colin Lowe’s Plodwithme newsletter by email, it will cover newly available tours, blog articles and other Plodwithme related content.

Your email is to be used for no other purpose and you may opt out at any time, at which time your email details will be deleted.

I currently use MailChimp as my email automation platform. By signing up to my email links, you acknowledge that the information you provide will be transferred to MailChimp for processing, in accordance with their privacy policy and terms.

MailChimp does not share your details with any third parties, and is a well-respected email service for many businesses.

The Plodwithme privacy policy can be found here.